No Choice in the Election

Posted by on Aug 21, 2012 in About the Book, History, Politics | 4 comments

While we have made great strides toward equality, we cannot rest until our mothers, sisters, and daughters assume their rightful place as full participants in a secure, prosperous, and just society. —President Barack Obama

As of today, there can be no doubt that women’s well being and reproductive health are at the center of the upcoming presidential election. The Republican party platform is calling for the outlawing of abortion, absolutely and with no exceptions. Nowhere in the platform language is there anything about women, only “unborn children” and “the individual right to life.” What does this mean?

As far as I’m concerned, it means that anyone who considers her or himself real life centered who does not vote for Barack Obama will be in collusion with those who want to turn back the clock and put women and their families in danger. There is no wiggle room here. There is no room for debate. There is, my friends, no choice.

From the peculiar “legitimate rape” garbling of Todd Akin to the repetitive, sanctimonious “sanctity of life” pontificating, we are being shown over and over again what the stakes are in the upcoming election. You might not like some of the things Barack Obama has done or not done in his first term. You might be angry and disappointed that he is not more forthrightly and aggressively progressive with regard to the economy and other issues, but that is no reason to ignore the truth of current political realities for women in the United States.

If you know anyone who needs reminding about how it was when abortion was illegal, you can refer them to The Worst of Times by Patricia G. Miller. A few years ago I didn’t believe it was necessary to focus this way, but the current rise of political ignorance and vicious attacks on the interests of ordinary people in the U.S. has changed my mind. People are terribly confused, and the slick moneyed class is intent on keeping it that way. We mustn’t be fooled and we mustn’t let others be either.

There is only one candidate for U.S. president who is in favor of recognizing women as the arbiters of choice in pregnancy. Only one who recognizes the struggle of women for full equality. Only one who is comfortable expressing strong support for women. Let’s make sure we re-elect Barack Obama.

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  1. Eloquent and on target. I hope you pushed this out on Facebook and Twitter to your FB Friends and Twitter Followers. I am going to do so to mine.

    • Thanks Claire! I did put it out on FB, but I still don’t tweet, so thanks for helping to get it out there.

  2. “No rights for women just the unborn” That’s a phrase that should be on billboards. Can’t believe Republicans think they can fly that idea without consequences.

    • Yes, unbelievable. Thanks Jerrie!

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